Mace is Back to Raise 10,000 Meals this Holiday Season


Last year, we were blown away by the generosity of Mace Massingill, a seven year old who set out to raise 1,000 meals during the holidays and ended up coming to the food bank with over 5,000 meals for his Central Texas neighbors.

This year, Mace wants to double his impact on the community by raising 10,000 meals. He's titled his second annual food drive #nohunger, hoping the hashtag will excite other children to participate and help him reach his goal.

"Whenever I sit down at my table there is always enough food to eat and it makes me sad that this is not true for everyone. Let’s keep collecting food until everyone’s table has enough food. The theme of my drive is #nohunger. Because we are not stopping until the hunger is gone," says Mace.

Mace even made a video to promote his holiday food drive.


We're thrilled to be partnering with this passionate young philantrhopist another year, and can't wait to see how many meals he raises.

Help Mace reach his goal of 10,000 meals for hungry Central Texans by donating here