Board of Directors

Jeff Hahn, Chair
Hahn Public

Kathleen W. Farlow, Vice Chair
Retired, Deloitte LLP

Pete Inman, Treasurer
Camino Real Financial Strategies

Estrellita J. Doolin, JD, MBA, Secretary
Ascension Health

Alice Starr, Immediate Past Chair
Starr Strategies

Jen Alessandra

Joe Bland
Joe Bland Construction, L.P.

Geoff Borlet
Applied Materials

Marili Burbes

Kelli Green
Holdsworth Center

Pat Massey
Retired, IBM Corporation

Ed Page
Retired, HEB Food and Drug

Ramiro Palma

Frank Reid
Austin Community College

Justin Rose
John Deere

Mark Sanchez
J.P. Morgan

Angela VanScoy
Deloitte LLP