Thanks to a thriving business sector and unparalleled economic development, Central Texas is among the fastest growing regions in the nation. But amid this growth and prosperity, many of our neighbors are being left behind.
The rising cost of housing, utilities, transportation and healthcare leaves many of our neighbors to make impossible choices and painful sacrifices. Two-thirds of the people we serve say they had to choose between buying food and paying for housing in the past year. Eighty percent say they had to choose between food and medicine.
Hunger affects people from all walks of life. Working families, retired seniors on fixed incomes, grandparents with custody of grandchildren, the chronically ill and the disabled all turn to the Food Bank for help in emergencies or as part of their regular meal planning. As we work together to ensure all these people get the nutritious food they need, we’re counting on you to help educate the community and dispel myths about hunger around us. Please share your knowledge with others.

Studies and Interactive Data
Hunger & Poverty in the USA | Map the Meal Gap - Food insecurity exists in every county and congressional district in the country. But not everyone struggling with hunger qualifies for federal nutrition assistance. Learn more about local food insecurity and the food banks in your community by exploring data from Feeding America’s annual Map the Meal Gap project.
Map the Meal Gap 2019 Central Texas Food Insecurity Data provides food insecurity estimates, food price variations and food budget shortfalls at the county and congressional district level. The study examines the relationship among known factors that impact hunger including poverty, unemployment, food prices and access to federal assistance programs. This study is conducted annually by Feeding America.
Map the Meal Gap 2019 Central Texas Child Food Insecurity Data provides child food insecurity estimates, food price variations and food budget shortfalls at the county and congressional district level. The study examines the relationship among known factors that impact hunger including poverty, unemployment, food prices and access to federal assistance programs. This study is conducted annually by Feeding America.
Texas Hunger Atlas, created by Feeding Texas, details the extent of hunger in every Texas county and the specific resources available locally to help families meet their food needs.
SNAPshot Texas created by Feeding Texas, provides details about who gets help from SNAP (food stamps), and the families at risk of hunger. Simply type in your zip code to learn about hunger in your community.