Central Texas Housing Consortium - Golden Haven

31.1015077223, -97.337856979338

505 N 2nd St.
Temple, TX 76501
United States

Additional Hours Information:

Monday after 2nd Thursday: 2:00 pm (CSFP ONLY)

Location Services:
Senior Program
Additional Information:

Healthy Option Program for the Elderly (HOPE) serves adults age 55 and older. At any HOPE distribution, clients will receive about 20 pounds of non-perishable food. Exact contents will vary month to month but usually include items such as canned protein, milk, pasta, beans, canned vegetables, and more. Anyone interested in participating but unable to attend a distribution can designate a proxy to pick-up on their behalf. Click here to view our webpage for more detailed information.

For HOPE services, no ID or proof of income are required to receive HOPE. Those who qualify for other food assistance programs may qualify for HOPE. Bring bags or something to transport the groceries; most HOPE sites are unable to provide bags or boxes. Click here to view our webpage for more detailed information or call (855) 366-3401.